The County of San Diego is facing a public health crisis and while I campaign to be the next County Supervisor I am grateful to be the only candidate with a Master’s Degree in Public Health who has worked evaluating public health programs that address the root causes of these types of events. Our Hepatitis A outbreak is about a lot of things – none of which will be solved with finger-pointing or sound bites. We need a fresh, diverse perspective on the Board that represents the residents of the Fourth District and has the personal and professional background to lead.
The graphic above helps make the point that housing IS public health. While the County can and must continue to increase vaccinations and sanitation and the City can and must continue to knock down barriers to these interventions, neither of these alone will be a long-term solution. As a region, we need leadership who will work with colleagues on the Board of Supervisors and with colleagues in the City to drive the long-term housing and service solutions necessary to end the crisis permanently. I am that type of leader and it is why I’m running to be our County’s next member of the Board of Supervisors.