Our campaign understands that San Diego communities – indeed our region as a whole – will be best served by having all of the voices in our community at the table. Better, at a table we create together, rather than having to ask for a seat at someone else’s table. This is especially true in the context of the voices of women in our region’s policy debates. Not just elected officials, but women of all backgrounds. Men and women alike have a crucial role to play in the equality of voices in our decision making.
We believe men have a supporting role to play in helping shape a new reality and this announcement is about recognizing that we have equal power, intellect, heart, and dedication and must all have equal voice. And it is about embracing a shift that is long overdue.
This is a press release my campaign sent out today and we are thrilled at the support we have built from diverse women across the 4th Supervisor’s District. Visit www.omarpassons.com/women-4-omar to view the current supporters and to join us!